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Sharif Ullah Jan
Salma Andleeb
Saima Arzeen


Organizational Role Stressors, Organizational Outcomes, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment


The major objective of present research was to examine the impacts of organizational role stressors on personal and organizational outcomes. The sample consisted  of (N=300) paramedics, out of which (n=158) were female and (n=142) male. The sample was selected by using the Convenient Sampling Technique from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Maslach Burnout Inventory the Job Satisfaction Scale the  Organizational Role Stressors Scale, and the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire were administered with entire sample to study the effect of role stressors. The organizational role stressors examined included role conflict, role overload, role ambiguity, inter-role distance and resource inadequacy. The personal outcomes, included emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of others, diminished sense of personal accomplishment, while  organizational outcomes, consisted of organizational commitment and job satisfaction.To examine their association with other correlation were compute and to find out their predictors multiple regression analyses  were run on the  data. Results revealed that inter-role distance, role conflict, role overload and role ambiguity  as contributing factors were significantly positively correlated with  emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of others and reduced sense of personal accomplishment. However, inter-role distance was not a significant predictor of personal outcomes consisted of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of others and reduced sense of personal accomplishment and organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Further results revealed that role overload and resource inadequacy were not significant predictors of organizational commitment. The findings have practical implications in organizational settings by suggesting an utmost need to adequately control organizational role stressors  in order to provide a stress free environment which in turn will increase increase productivity of the employees.

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