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Wajeeha Hussain
Salma Andleeb
Bibi Shafia
Gulshan Ibraheem


Empathy Altruism Big Five Personality Characteristics


The current study aimed to examine the effect of empathy on altruism. Further the study investigated relationship of big five personality traits with altruism and empathy and predictors of altruism and empathy among undergraduate students of Peshawar KP. The sample consisted of (N=300) students in the age range between 20 to 25 years (M=23.07, SD=4.51).The sample was selected through the Convenient Sampling Technique from different universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Adapted Self-report Altruism Scale (ASRAS), the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI) along with demographic sheet were administered with the whole sample. The results indicate a positive relationship between empathy and altruism, show that high level of empathy increases altruistic tendencies.  The findings also reveal significant association of altruism and empathy with certain personality traits. A positive correlation between agreeableness and altruism suggests that individuals with high level of agreeableness are more prone to altruistic behaviors, while a negative relationship between neuroticism and altruism shows that individuals with low level of neuroticism are more inclined to engage in altruistic acts. In addition, a significant positive relationship of empathy, with agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness reveals that individuals with elevated scores in these personality traits tend to exhibit high level of empathy. The findings of the study have important implications by suggesting an utmost need on part of the policy makers to develop altruistic behavior in people of general population by modifying certain personality traits in them which in turn will positively contribute to the welfare of the society.

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