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Maria Shoaib
Sharifullah Jan
Salma Andleeb
Nighat Shaheen


Birth Order, Suicidal Ideations, Perceived Social Support


The aim of the current study was to examine the effect of birth order on suicidal ideations and the moderating role of perceived social support. The sample consisted of (N=484) BS students, out of which (n=246) were male and (238) were female.  Age range of the sample was 20-25 years with (M=23.70,SD= 8.43) and was selected through Convenient Sampling Technique from different universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Maximum of the sample belonged to middle socioeconomic status. The Urdu version of the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation  (Beck, Kovasac, & Weissman, 1976) prepared by Ayub (2008) and the Urdu version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceives Social Support (Zimet et al.,1988) prepared by Jibeen (2010)  were administered on the entire sample. Results showed significant difference in terms of suicidal ideations across birth order. The middle born were found to have significantly high level of suicidal ideations as compared to oldest and youngest born. Regression analyses indicate that perceived social support significantly moderates the effect of suicidal ideations. However no significant gender difference was found in terms of suicidal ideations. The results support two hypotheses. The findings have practical implications by suggesting an utmost need on part of the policy makers to arrange counseling programs to educate parents to provide equal social support and attention to their children irrespective of their birth order to overcome their problem of development of suicidal ideations which result in many cases suicide attempts in them.   

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