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This study was designed to assess the relationship between emotion regulation, attachment styles, duration of marriage and marital satisfaction. The data was obtained from married individuals (n=385) belonging to Peshawar, Pakistan and included both males and females. Experiences in Close-Relationships – Revised Questionnaire (Fraley et al., 2000), ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (Fowers & Olson, 1993) and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross et al., 2003) were used for collecting data. The results revealed marital satisfaction to be significantly positively correlated with cognitive reappraisal strategy whereas significantly negatively correlated with expressive suppression strategy. Significant differences were observed between marital satisfaction of those with a secure attachment style and those with avoidant and anxious attachment style. Likewise, results indicated a significant moderating effect of the duration of marriage on the relationship between marital satisfaction and insecure attachment style. Family and marriage therapists may take into account the findings to have an understanding of the processes underlying quality relationships and help provide interventions for reducing the risk of separation or divorce.
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