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Osteoarthritis, factors, joint pain, types of treatments, different joints.
Objective: To estimate factors associated with knee joint pain leading to osteoarthritis and preventive measures taken in patients visiting hayatabad medical complex, Peshawar.
Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study
Place and duration of study: form jan 2022 to March 2022 Hayatabad medical complex
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Hayatabad medical complex from 1st January to March 2022 with non probability convenience sampling. Sample size taken was 320 individuals of age 20 years to 80 years from Hayatabad medical complex of Peshawar KPK . A semi-structured questionnaire was designed and consists of questions about demographic information, including age, gender, place of residence , education, occupation, weather condition, BMI, physical activity and drugs used to subside the pain. Pre-testing was done to check the feasibility, the sequence of questions and weight was measured in kg while where as height was in meters or inches. The sample was analyzed by SPSS version 22. Descriptive statistics was calculated for all the included variables.
Results: Among 320 individuals 112 were males while 208 were females reported to the tertiary hospital with pain in joints 61.87% were living in rural and 38.12% were living in urban areas 49.47% were primary passed while 28% were graduates and 41.8% were matric passed with low or moderate socioeconomic status. The preventive measure taken was 18.12% on medicine to cure the pain 18.44% were interested to take physical therapy 16.88% were taking surgical treatment and 46.56% were on conservative treatment which includes exercise, weight loss, rest and walking. Patients with chronic diseases were diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis 37.8% and 36.56% respectively. The pain was aggravated in cold weather and reduced in hot weather. BMI was taken in which 32.5% were overweight have osteoarthritis.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that various risk factors e.g increased BMI, cold and dry Weather, females, rural areas, various treatment modalities and low educational status leading to osteoarthritis. Various preventive measures taken were exercise, use of various supplements and diet control.
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