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variations, appendix, appendectomy, histopathology of appendix, demography.
Objectives : This study aims to determine the anatomical variation of appendix and its histopathological findings in specimen after appendectomy
Material and methods: This was a cross sectional study with 350 sample size and specimen was examined during appendectomy. After appendectomy the sample was sent to laboratory for histopathological findings.
Results: It was a cross sectional descriptive study done in tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar and Abbottabad KPK. The sample size was 350 and age was from 10 to 60 years, means age was 28.78 years. Among 350 sample size 60% were male while 40% were female living in rural area 39% and 60.7% were living in urban area. The age was divided into five intervals patients from 10-20 years were visiting to hospital for appendectomy were 31% , 21-30 years were 36% , 31-40 years were 13% , 41-50 years were 9.1% while 51-60 years were 9.7%. The variation found was retrocecal 65.8% while 21.7% was pelvic, postileal 2.8%, 7.1% subcecal and 2.6% preileal. Patient were mostly Pushto speakers 68.1%, while minority were 4.8% and urdu speakers were 26%. The histopathological profile was 28.5% chronic supurative appendicitis, 19.4% were fecolith, 15.1% lymphoid, appendicular mass 3.4%, chronic granulomatous inflammation was 3.4% acute gangrenous appendices was 6.8% while fibroid was 6.8% and unusual findings were 6% in the study.
Conclusion: The study concluded that retrocecal position was most common variation and acute supurative appendicitis is the common histopathological finding in appendix.
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