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Abhishek Pandey
Bhumika Bhatt
Alok Kumar Arya
Vaibhav Sharma


Epidemiological, Asphyxial deaths, Uttar Pradesh


Background: Violent asphyxial deaths represent a significant subset of fatalities within forensic medicine, posing intricate challenges for accurate diagnosis and classification. By quantifying the prevalence of different modes of asphyxia, including strangulation, suffocation, and positional asphyxia, this study seeks to delineate the various mechanisms and contexts leading to fatal outcomes.

Methods: Study was conducted in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, King George’s Medical University, Uttar Pradesh. It was an analytical study where all the cases of asphyxia deaths and suspected asphyxia deaths with associated other injuries of any age and sex were included. Decomposed bodies were excluded from this study.

Results: Total number of autopsies done during the study period were 4369 however incidence of violent asphyxia deaths was reported to be 6.11% (267 deaths). Hanging was the most commonly reported violent asphyxia death. A male preponderance can be seen with 148 cases from a total of 267 deaths. Visceral congestion and cyanosis are the most commonly reported findings in 100% and 83.9% of cases respectively.

Conclusion: Concerted efforts are needed to implement the recommendations outlined in this study, including strengthening forensic investigation protocols, enhancing public awareness campaigns, promoting collaboration between health and law enforcement agencies, and providing support services for survivors and bereaved families. By addressing the recommendations we can work towards creating a safer and more resilient community where every individual's right to life and dignity is upheld.

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