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Garima Singh
Vaibhav Sharma
Reena Gupta
Bhumika Bhatt


Bio- Social Landscape, Victims, Thoraco- Abdominal Injuries


Background: Thoraco-abdominal injuries represents a critical subset of injuries that demand comprehensive exploration due to their potential impact on both the biological and social dimensions of individuals affected. This study embarks on a nuanced investigation into the bio-social landscape of individuals who have experienced thoraco-abdominal injuries. By delving into the complex dynamics that contribute to the etiology, progression, and aftermath of these injuries, we aim to provide a holistic understanding that extends beyond traditional medical perspectives

Methods: Ante mortem history & ante mortem examination were conducted in the emergency department while post mortem history & post mortem examination was conducted in mortuary of S.N. Medical College Agra, Uttar Pradesh wherein data was collected on predesigned, pretested open-ended, semi-structured schedule and analysis was done with the help of MS excel program.

Results: A total of 173 victims of thoraco-abdominal injuries which included 118 cases admitted for treatment and 55 victims who were dead and brought to the mortuary for postmortem examination during the study period were included and reviewed in the study. The present study showed that accidental occurrence of thoraco-abdominal injuries was commonest (97.10%), as compared to homicidal 2.31% and only 0.5% were suicidal wherein road traffic accidents were the commonest 84.97% cause of injuries and only 0.5% had injuries due to railway accidents and industrial accidents.

Conclusion: By elucidating the complex interplay between biological and social factors, this study contributes to the growing body of literature aimed at improving holistic care and rehabilitation strategies for victims of traumatic injuries.

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