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Ineffective airway clearance, CABG, Clinical indicators and Nursing Diagnosis
Background: After coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery there is restriction of chest movement due to sternal incision which results in the inability of coughing appropriately to clear up the secretion plugged into the respiratory tract. This complication can lead to ineffective airway clearance (IAC), a common nursing diagnosis observed in patients’ post-CABG. Unrecognized and untreated, IAC may progress to significant pulmonary sequestration or even death. By using NANDA-I Taxonomy II, the person who would be able to recognize clinical clues is a nurse. The role of nurses in reversing this condition cannot be overstated.
Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the most common laboratory indicators in patients undergoing IAC following CABG. For early diagnosis there may be signals for the clinical devastation due to infective endocarditis.
Methodology: A total of 113 patients were enrolled after CABG surgery from Dow University Hospital (DUH), Ojha campus and Tabba Heart Institute (THI) Karachi. Cross-Sectional study design was used to conduct this study. To check the statistical accuracy of clinical indicators of IAC, statistical analysis was performed by predictive value, sensitivity, specificity. Moreover, the likelihood ratio, diagnostic odds ratio, area under the ROC curve and accuracy were calculated with statistical formula.
Results: The clinical indicators, Ineffective cough, adventitious breath sounds, and excessive sputum, showed more than 80% accuracy while identifying the IAC correctly. While calculating the sensitivity of the clinical indicators, adventitious breath sounds showed the highest value of 84%, and Ineffective cough and excessive sputum were found with 81% sensitivity, respectively. It was also found that all clinical indicators showed more than 90% positive predictivity.
Conclusion: This study showed three clinical indicators with higher sensitivity to diagnose IAC in post CABG patients that includes adventitious breath sounds, ineffective cough, and excessive sputum.
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