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Kamran Ali Qureshi
Saleem Shahzad
Mehwish Abrar
Muhammad Rashid Qureshi
Naeema Asghar
Muhammad Muddasser Khan Panezai


Tuberculosis Treatment Outcome, Health Status, Diabetes Mellitus


OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to evaluate the gender-based differences of symptoms among TB patients having Diabetes mellitus.

BACKGROUND: In developing nations, the rise in type 2 diabetes worldwide is acknowledged as a threat to the prevention of TB. Worldwide, there are 9.6 million new cases of active tuberculosis reported year, of which one million additionally have diabetes.

STUDY DESIGN: A cohort study

PLACE AND DURATION: This study was conducted in Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro from January 2023 to January 2024

METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted among newly registered pulmonary TB (PTB) with DM cases. All the patients with tuberculosis were initially included in the study.  In the initial interview, 76 patients participated, 03 patient was lost to follow-up. Thus, at the conclusion of the intense period, a first follow-up visit was conducted with 73. The data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 26.0

RESULTS: There were 51 (69.86%) males and 22 (30.13%) females in the study. The highest proportion (35.62%) belonged to age group 51 to 60 years. Cough was the most common (97.26%) among patients. Loss of weight was observed in 89.04%, weakness, anorexia, mild fever and hemoptysis was observed in 84.93%, 75.34%, 69.86%, and 27.4% respectively.

CONCLUSION: The individuals with TB and DM are more likely to be female, older, obese, and less educated. In the current investigation, the majority of patients were male, literate, between the ages of 51 and 60, living in an urban residential area and belonging to the middle socioeconomic level.

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