Comparison Of Quality of Obturation and Instrumentation Time Using Manual Hand-K Files and Rotary Kedo-S Square Files for Pulpectomy in Primary Molars: A Double Blinded Randomised Controlled Trial

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Dinesh kumar
Vignesh Ravindran


Hand files, Primary molars, Paediatric rotary files, Innovative Technique


Aim: To compare and evaluate the instrumentation time and quality of obturation between paediatric rotary files and manual hand k-files
Materials and Methods: Sixty mandibular molars were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (n=30). Group I was instrumented using Kedo-S Square paediatric rotary files and Group II with manual hand K-files. Standardised digital radiographs were taken before and after root canal instrumentation. Root canal preparation time was also recorded. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was done using SPSS software version 17.0. The quality of obturation was done using ANOVA and Chi square test with the level of significance set at 5%.
Results: Mean instrumentation time with paediatric rotary Kedo S Square files (72.6s) was significantly less than manual k-files (92.4s) (p< 0.001). There was a significant improvement in the quality of obturation (p<0.015) with paediatric rotary files (kedo-S Square). (Kedo-S) and manual instrumentation techniques in primary molars. (p < 0.05). There was a significant improvement in the quality of obturation (p < 0.05) with paediatric rotary files (Kedo-S).
Conclusion: Kedo-S Square rotary system provides better quality of root canal filling in minimum instrumentation time.

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46. Ahad M, Gheena S. Awareness, attitude and knowledge about evidence based dentistry among the dental practitioners in Chennai city. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2016;9(11):1863.
47. PradeepKumar AR, Shemesh H, Jothilatha S, Vijayabharathi R, Jayalakshmi S, Kishen A. Diagnosis of Vertical Root
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49. Jangid K, Alexander AJ, Jayakumar ND, Varghese S, Ramani P. Ankyloglossia with cleft lip: A rare case report. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2015 Nov;19(6):690–3.
50. Kumar A, Sherlin HJ, Ramani P, Natesan A, Premkumar P. Expression of CD 68, CD 45 and human leukocyte antigen-DR in central and peripheral giant cell granuloma, giant cell tumor of long bones, and tuberculous granuloma: An immunohistochemical study. Indian J Dent Res. 2015 May;26(3):295–303.
51. Manohar J, Abilasha R. A Study on the Knowledge of Causes and Prevalance of Pigmentation of Gingiva among Dental Students [Internet]. Vol. 10, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019. p. 95. Available from:
52. Sekar D, Mani P, Biruntha M, Sivagurunathan P, Karthigeyan M. Dissecting the functional role of microRNA 21 in osteosarcoma. Cancer Gene Ther. 2019 Jul;26(7-8):179–82.
53. Girija SA, Jayaseelan VP, Arumugam P. Prevalence of VIM- and GIM-producing Acinetobacter baumannii from patients with severe urinary tract infection. Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung. 2018 Dec 1;65(4):539–50.
54. Maheswari TNU, Venugopal A, Sureshbabu NM, Ramani P. Salivary micro RNA as a potential biomarker in oral potentially malignant disorders: A systematic review. Ci Ji Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2018 Apr;30(2):55–60.
55. Subashri A, Maheshwari TNU. Knowledge and attitude of oral hygiene practice among dental students. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2016;9(11):1840.
56. Ezhilarasan D, Apoorva VS, Ashok Vardhan N. Syzygium cumini extract induced reactive oxygen species-mediated apoptosis in human oral squamous carcinoma cells. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019 Feb;48(2):115–21.
57. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Araki K, Al-Zoubi IA, Sghaireen MG, Gudipaneni RK, et al. Three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Saudi Arabian population: A CBCT study. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clin Integr. 2018;18(1):e4133.

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