Pain and Anxiety Using Lidocaine and Articaine in Children Undergoing Full Mouth Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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Palak Janiani
Vignesh Ravindran
Ramsesh Manohar


Anesthesia, lidocaine, Articaine, Pain, Anxiety, Novel


Background: Whilst carrying out dental procedures under general anesthesia, local anesthetics are given intraoperatively to help manage intra- and post-operative pain. The aim was to investigate the possible effect of intraoperative analgesia, namely lidocaine and articaine on post-recovery pain, intra-operative vitals and salivary amylase in children undergoing pulpectomies under general anesthesia.
Methods: Twenty-two ASA class I children, aged 4 to 6 years undergoing full mouth rehabilitation under general anesthesia were divided into two groups. Group A had the dental procedures carried out with lidocaine and group B with articaine. Prior to the induction of anesthesia, patients were asked to choose the face that suits their pain suffering on the Wong Baker Faces Pain scale. Saliva was also collected to check for salivary amylase levels. Intra-operative vitals were recorded during the procedure. The pain scale reading and salivary amylase analysis was done post the treatment too. Intra- and inter-group statistical analysis was carried out.
Results: Pain levels showed a statistically significant reduction in both groups six hours pos-operatively. Salivary amylase levels significantly reduced in children administered lidocaine. Heart rate values decreased intraoperatively for both anesthetic groups. No significant change was seen in end tidal carbon dioxide levels and oxygen saturation (SPO2) levels.
Conclusion: Use of lidocaine and articaine prior to performing pain-provoking dental procedures under general anesthesia helps in stabilizing vital signs and reducing post-operative pain.

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