Canal transportation and centering ability of neoendo rotary files in deciduous teeth: An in vitro study using cone beam computed tomography

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Palak Janiani
Mahesh Ramakrishnan


Canal centering, transportation, Pediatric rotary files, Primary teeth, Novel


Background: The primary goals of cleaning and shaping during pulpectomy procedure is to debride the canals simultaneously to maintain canal morphology and to prevent any transportation or perforations. These are critical iatrogenic faults that can lead to complications.
Aim: To utilize cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging to evaluate how Pedoflex rotary files and Neoendo flex orifice enlarger affect the centering ability and transportation of the canal during a Biomechanical preparations.
Materials and method: Forty primary mandibular first molar distal roots were scanned using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The teeth were randomly separated into two equal groups and treated with either Pedoflex rotary files or Neoendo flex orifice enlarger files. After the canals were prepared, they were rescanned using CBCT, and the images were divided into cervical, middle, and apical thirds. The study evaluated and compared the transportation (CT) of the canals and the centering ability of the instruments between the two groups.
Results: Both files maintain the canal centering ability better in the middle level than cervical and apical levels. However this was not statistically significant. No difference was observed between the two systems in terms of canal transportation.
Conclusion: The study found that there was no significant variation in the canal transportation and centering ability between the two rotary file systems used. Therefore, both systems can be safely utilized with minimal risk of procedural errors during root canal preparation.

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