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Asif Khan
Kamran Saeed
Suleman Khan
Zeeshan ahmad
Saad Ali
Nasir Uddin


ceftriaxone resistance, E. Coli-induced, UTI.


UTIs are the second most common bacterial infection affecting individuals of different ages worldwide. Globally, an estimated 50% of women have UTIs at least once in their lifetime and UTIs are particularly more common in those aged 16–64 years. Since varying frequencies are determined by various available studies in different regions of the globe for prevalence of ceftriaxone resistance in E. Coli-induced UTIs, so I designed this study for determiningfrequency of ceftriaxone resistance in E. Coli-induced UTIs in patients admitted to our department.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of ceftriaxone resistance in patients with E. Coli-induced UTI presenting to Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar

Study Setting: Department of Medicine, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar.

Study Design: Descriptive study

Study Duration:  6 months 24/4/2022 to 24/10/2022.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Mid-stream urine was taken in a sterile container. Urine routine examination to see for any pus cells and in case of urine positive for pus cells, it was sent for culture sensitivity.0.01 ml of urine sample was put on MacConkey and blood agar media through calibrated loop and incubated aerobically for 24 hours at 37°C. The plates showing significant growth as per Kass counts were processed further. Identification of isolated E. Coli was confirmed by colony characteristics, gram-staining andbio chemical analysis. E. coli growth detected was checked for ceftriaxone resistance and sensitivities. The treatment of all the patients were continued in the during culture and sensitivity results as per general ward guidelines. Ceftriaxone resistance was seen for in all included cases.

RESULTS: Our study shows that among 193 patients mean age was 35 years with SD ± 16.02. 69(36%) patients were male and 124(64%) patients were female. More over Ceftriaxone was resistant in 81(42%) patients and was not resistant in 112(58%) patients. 

CONCLUSION: Our study concludes the frequency of ceftriaxone resistance was 42% in patients with E. Coli-induced UTI presenting to Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar

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