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Alexander Pérez Cordero
Donicer E. Montes Vergara
Yelitza Aguas Mendoza


Endophytic bacteria, pasture, livestock farm, heavy metal, remediation


The present study consisted of isolating endophytic bacteria from roots associated with Dichanthium aristatum Benth from cattle farms in the municipality of Tolú, department of Sucre, Colombia. A total of 10 cattle farms were sampled, from which 10 soil samples with roots were taken per farm at a depth of 20 cm. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from each sample, isolates were separated, lead tolerance and siderophore production were evaluated. The multifactorial ANAVA between the variables density (CFU/g root) as a function of site showed highly significant differences. The results obtained indicate that 97% of the isolates found grew in the high Pb concentrations found in the soils of the cattle farms analysed. This preliminary study carried out in the Colombian Caribbean shows that the strain identified as C63RLIM showed the capacity to tolerate up to 500 mg/L of lead in the form of PbCl2 and to produce siderophore. In this study we found isolates of endophytic bacteria associated with Dichanthium aristatum Benth adapted to the soils of cattle farms with the presence of the metal Pb and with the capacity to tolerate in vitro up to 500 mg/L of PbCl2 and to produce siderophore.

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