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Isabelle Côté
Jean-Pierre Grégoire
Jocelyne Moisan
Isabelle Chabot





The SF-36 has frequently been used to measure health related quality of life (HRQOL) in hypertension. Recently, the SF-12, a shorter form of the SF-36, has been proposed.  However, the validity of the SF-12 in hypertension has not yet been assessed.


To determine the extent to which the SF-12 provides similar measurements of HRQOL to those of the SF-36 in hypertensive individuals.


A study assessing the impact of a pharmacy-based intervention program on hypertensive individuals served as background for this study.  One hundred and twelve individuals participated in this study. We compared the SF-36 with the SF-12 on item scores and summary measures using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), Pearson’s correlation coefficients and linear regression.


The concordance between the SF-12 and the SF-36 on both physical (ICC=0.88) and mental (ICC=0.92) component summary scores (PCS and MCS respectively) is high and the relationship is linear and positive. Most of the variance in the SF-36 PCS (R2=0.78) and MCS (R2=0.85) can be explained by their SF-12  counterparts. The  SF-12  PCS  and  MCS  are  the  only  significant predictor  variables  for  the corresponding measure of the SF-36.


The SF-12 appears to be a valid alternative to the SF-36 for clinical practice or research purposes when studying hypertensive individuals and their treatment.

Abstract 923 | PDF Downloads 449


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