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Sadaf Chiragh
Khalid Usman
Arif Mumtaz
Naseeb Urrehman
Salman Khan


Hyperglycemia, Cancer, Insulin therapy, Management


Background: Hyperglycemia, a common complication in cancer patients, can have harmful effects on treatment outcomes and overall survival. The objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of different strategies of managing hyperglycemia among cancer patients. One hundred hyperglycemic cancer patients were observed as a cohort as interventions like insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic agents, lifestyle modifications and dietary adjustments were made. The article evaluates the outcome, effectiveness and safety profile of these interventions.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate different management techniques for hyperglycaemia in cancer patients focussing on treatment outcomes and safety profiles.

Study Design: A prospective study

Place and Duration of Study: Department of endocrinology HMC Peshawar from jan 2020 to dec 2020

Methods: A prospective study involving 100 cancer patients with hyperglycemia was performed. These included insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic agents, lifestyle changes, and dietary adjustments. Over six months glucose levels in blood and responses were recorded.

Results: Of the one hundred subjects , 40% received insulin therapy while another 30% had been subjected to an oral agent group for hypoglycaemic purposes hence leading to any prevalent metabolic changes.. Insulin therapy showed the greatest decrease in glucose levels with an average drop of 50 mg/dL; Oral hypoglycemics registered an average fall by 30 mg/dL, and Life style + Dietary adjustments showed moderate decreases by20 mg/dL . Only minimal side effects occurred such as minor episodes of hypoglycaemic events that affected about ten percent (10%) receiving insulin injections while five percent (5%) taking oral agents developed similar symptoms.

Conclusion: Insulin therapy was most effective method for controlling hyperglycemia among cancerous people after which came oral anti-hyperglycaemic drugs or agents that treated diabetes. Nevertheless, life style and dietary changes were helpful but not as effective. In general, all the management modalities were safe and well tolerated.

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