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Sura Amarendar
Shalini Chandra
Srinivasu Karedla
Ashok kumar Jyothi
Deepa Gupta
Kalyani Amit Jagadale


Hydroxyurea, Sickle Cell Disease, Complete Blood Count, Hematological Parameters, Vaso-occlusive Painful Crises


Background: Hydroxyurea (HU) is a vital medication for sickle cell disease (SCD) since it has been shown to enhance hematological parameters and lessen the frequency of excruciating crises. In this study, the effects of HU on different complete blood counts (CBC) in individuals with sickle cell disease are examined. To evaluate the variations in CBC values between responders and non-responders to treatment among SCD patients receiving HU therapy.


Methods: A cross-sectional research with 255 SCD patients from Dadra & Nagar Haveli region was carried out. Based on their reaction to HU, participants were split into five groups 51 in each group: Group 1 responders (painful crises reduced by 50% or more), Group 1 non-responders (painful crises reduced by less than 50%), Group 2 responders (complete independence from transfusions), and Group 2 non-responders (no complete independence from transfusions). Patients with SCD who were not getting HU treatment made up the control group. ANOVA and t-tests were used to evaluate and compare several CBC parameters, such as ferritin levels, hemoglobin, hematocrit, HbF percentages, platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet percentage, and platelet distribution width (PDW).


Results: Study participants with sickle cell anemia using hydroxyurea had significantly different complete blood count and a higher risk of painful vaso-occlusive crises. Group 1 responders had lower ferritin levels than controls, but Group 2 responders and non-responders had greater levels. These differences were statistically significant. Group 2 respondents had the greatest levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and HbF percentages among the two groups of respondents. The mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet counts of Group 1 and Group 2 responders were likewise greater than those of controls. In all groups, platelet distribution width (PDW) and platelet percentages were also much higher than in the control group. Moreover, after receiving hydroxyurea therapy, the incidence of vaso-occlusive painful crises was notably decreased in Group 1 responders by 50% or more, demonstrating the therapeutic advantage of hydroxyurea in treating these crises.


Conclusion: In SCD patients, hydroxyurea treatment has a major impact on several CBC markers. In comparison to non-responders and the control group, HU treatment responders have superior hematological profiles in terms of less painful crises and transfusion independence. These results underline the significance of CBC value monitoring to maximize treatment outcomes and support the effectiveness of HU in controlling SCD.

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