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John Arturo Buelvas Parra
Carlos Pacheco Ruiz
William Niebles Nuñez


Pharmaceutical sector, Pharmaceutical industry, PharmacyPharmacy, Production, Bibliometric analysis


The presented study uses bibliometric techniques to analyze the growth of efficiency and sustainability research in the pharmaceutical business between 2013 and 2023 with a particular focus on productivity in the field. After analyzing 319 documents from 272 sources, it was found that the amount of science produced annually increased by 22.59%. With almost 250 publications, India is the country that contributes the most, followed by Italy and Brazil. Among other things, research centers on how Industry 4.0 technologies—like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)—can be applied to boost productivity and flexibility in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice and Chemical Engineering Transactions are two of the most important publications, while Jeju National University and the Institute of Chemical Technology are notable for their high levels of scientific output. Influential writers like BASIT AW and SEHRAWAT R are identified by the h-index analysis, and highly cited articles examine novelties like 3D printing in pharmacology. The research revolves around many key subjects, including "Non human," "Metabolism," and "Chemistry," which emphasize the need for multidisciplinary cooperation. The study's conclusion, which highlights the need of addressing operational challenges through cutting-edge technologies and international collaboration to improve sustainability and efficiency in the pharmaceutical sector and benefit the industry as well as society at large, is that research on pharmaceutical productivity is on the rise.

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