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Claudia Patricia Rojas Martínez
Yahilina Silveira Pérez
William Niebles Nuñez


Educational robots, learning activities, cognitive adaptation, curricular adaptation, technological adaptation, physical education, artificial intelligence


Educational robots are collaborative robots designed to work with students and teachers to enhance learning. They can develop skills, such as problem solving, collaboration, interactivity and creativity. This study was applied to 72 physical education teachers in the department of Sucre, Colombia and 118 scientific articles. By working with these robots, students can learn teamwork, innovation and effective communication. The aim of this scientific article is to analyze bibliometric the research concerning educational robots in the development of physical education. The methodology used for the systematic analysis through bibliometric review and digital search of experiences on the application of educational robots in physical education, allowing to implement the system of analysis of authors, journals and contributions. The methodology promotes theoretical and practical contributions that demonstrate the need for the implementation of educational robots to achieve better learning outcomes in environments such as physical education. It is a current topic, led by authors and journals from developed countries. The main results show the need to update classroom plans, curricula, and educational systems for the development of learning based on these new technologies. In addition, smart classrooms are a reality and educational robots are an example of this.

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