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acute diarrheal illness, arterial blood gas, anion gap
Introduction-Diarrhea can cause a variety of fluid volume, acid-base and electrolyte abnormality which can cause disruption of various organs functioning and also complicate the disease itself to contribute it to morbidity and mortality.
Aim- To analysed the correlation of acid- base disturbance along with electrolyte imbalance with severity illness to acute kidney injury.
Method- this prospective study done in department of medicine from January 2022 to January 2023 one year period in GMC Shahdol medical college. Total 96 patients included in this study
Results- Among the studied 96 patients, maximum cases belong to the two age groups 20-29 years and 40-49 years with mean age 40.08. Out of studied 96 patients, 50 were males and 46 were females. 88 were having duration of illness <7 days and 8 patients were having duration ≥ 7days. 56.3% of study participants were severely dehydrated, 28.1% were moderately dehydrated and only 15.6% were mildly dehydrated.
In our study, serum urea level raised in 31.3% of cases and serum creatinine level raised in only 8.3% of participants in acute diarrheal illness. Acute diarrheal illness patients 77.1% of participants were having below normal Serum sodium level and 58.3% were having below normal serum potassium level in the study. Out of 96 patients, 46.3 % of participants were presented with raised serum urea level with severe dehydration similarly, Serum sodium and potassium was found below the normal value in 92.6% and 72.2% severely dehydrated participants respectively. Out of 96 patients, it was found that 31.3% participants were having metabolic acidosis and only 6.3% were having high anion gap in ABG analysis.Out of 96 patients, 86.7% of them had metabolic acidosis found associated with severe dehydration in acute diarrhoeal condition with p value of < 0.001. In our study, p value of between high anion gap metabolic acidosis and severe dehydration was <0.001and was associated with poor prognosis.
Conclusion- The most common acid-base abnormality apart from normal ABG study, observed in patients with acute diarrheal disease is normal anion gap metabolic acidosis.
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