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Ali Muhammad Yousafzai
Azam Jan Afridi


Lead, Toxicity, Common carp, Bioaccumulation, Hematology, Histopathological Lead toxicity in Common Carp


The current study investigated the toxicological effects of lead acetate trihydrate on bioaccumulation, hematology and histopathological changes in the gills and muscles of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). The fishes were divided into seven groups and were treated with different concentrations of lead. Lead bioaccumulation was analyzed in gills and muscles with the help of atomic absorption. Gill tissue absorbed the maximum concentration of lead, followed by muscles. After 24 hours, decrease in the concentration of Hb (65.13±16.81) and RBCs (0.52±0.137) and a maximum increase in the concentration of lymphocytes (91±21.30) with a dose of 30mg /l lead was observed.

Results showed that in every experiment, the amount of lead in the gills increased gradually with the increase  of the doses, as 259.83±58.4 with a dose of 5mg/I, 276.9±71.1 using dose of 10mg/l, 284.3±70.1 treated with 15mg/l, 299.63± 76.80 deal with 20mg/l , 310.26± 79.61 by 25mg and 331.4± 85.42 with a dose of 30mg . A maximum decrease in the concentration of Hb (65.13±16.81) and RBCs (0.52±0.137) and increase in the concentration of lymphocytes (91±21.30) with a dose of 30mg /l was observed from 24 hours exposure. Our findings suggest that common carp exposed to lead develop. histological alterations such as epithelial lifting, interlamellar spaces, gill bridging, curling filaments, swelling, fusion and cell necrosis, irregular and inflammatory cells were observed in gill tissues, while inflammation,degenaration and necrosis of muscle fibers, edema of muscle bundles, and lesions were observed in muscle tissues.

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