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Tasawar Aziz
Dr Basit Ansari
Dr Ejaz Asghar
Dr Summaiya Malik Zaman
Moazzam Tanveer


Psychological, Body Mass Index (BMI), Strength, Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Cardiovascular Fitness, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Coping Strategies.


This study intends to examine the Sri Lanka and Pakistan football players’ fitness level and coping strategies. Current study compares football players’ psychological coping mechanisms. The different tests will be conducted and the Survey method will be used for the appropriate outcome. It can be helpful for football players, football clubs, Pakistan and Sari Lanka Football Federation. Quantitative research with a non-probability convenient sampling technique is used for this study. Different tests related to Fitness are conducted for psychosocial coping mechanisms, standard questionnaires were used. This kind of research allows one to quantify information and extrapolate results from the sample to the whole population. After obtaining the data, the researcher analyzed data and it is concluded that, the physical fitness level of Sri Lankan football players is much better than Pakistani football players. This has a direct effect on their psychological coping strategies of Sri Lankan football players. Because the psychological coping strategies of Sri Lankan football players are much better than the psychological coping strategies of Pakistani football players. The result of the current study proves that if football players have good physical fitness levels then a good physical fitness have significant positive effects on psychological coping strategies of football players.

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