Review of: "FASD Relationships - What I Have Learned from About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder"

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Rod Densmore




This large book is a virtual encyclopedia of ideas to help parents and professionals learn how to deal with individuals with FASD. Inside is a wealth of information, gleaned from numerous professionals in various fields who have developed strategies to assist individuals with FASD.
The package also contains five DVDs – one, a lengthy interview with an eloquent young man named Myles Himmelreich, who explains how he copes with everyday living with FASD. The other four DVDs are intended for use in Power Point presentations, for both general audiences and professionals. Topics include genetics, sensory processing, neurobiology and attachment issues.
The DVD on attachment and FASD brought tears to this reviewer’s eyes. I remembered the grief affecting each of my adopted daughters when they moved from a loving foster home; my
grandchildren’s pain and loss when their mother virtually vanished when they were two and three – and my own grief at age three when I was placed in an isolation ward for six weeks with scarlet fever, not knowing that my parents had been forced by government regulation to send me to that terrible place.
This is a reference book to refer to, over and over, and a bargain at $45. My only criticism is that this self-published book and the Himmelreich interview could have been even better with the benefit of professional editing.

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