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Ben J Wilson
Jack S Cruikshank
Kim L Wiebe
Valerian C Dias
Mark C Yarema


Diltiazem, poisoning, calcium channel blockers, fat emulsion, overdose


We present a case of refractory cardiogenic shock secondary to sustained release diltiazem poisoning. Intravenous lipid emulsion therapy was initiated approximately 13 hours after ingestion. Vasopressors were weaned off hours after initiation of intravenous lipid emulsion therapy and the patient went on to make a full recovery. This report adds to the paucity of data on intravenous lipid emulsion rescue therapy in sustained release diltiazem poisoning. We hypothesize that the intravenous lipid emulsion may have mediated its favorable hemodynamic effects via increases in myocardial calcium concentration with resultant increased inotropy.

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