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Muhammad Muqeem
Ibrahim Asghar
Pooja Kumari
Sughran Khatoon
Aisha Shaikh
Saira Fatima


Typhoid fever, Ileal perforation, Leak, Primary repair


Background: In Pakistan typhoid is found to be one of the common infections and can result in wide array of medical and surgical complications and out of these ileal perforation can be dreadful if not surgically intervened. Post operative anastomosis leak is a matter of concern in such cases.

Objective: To determine the frequency of leakage after primary repair of typhoid ileal perforation


Setting: General Surgery Department at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Medical University/ Chandka Medical College, Larkana Pakistan

Study Design: Descriptive study.

Duration of study: December 2019 to June 2020

Sampling technique: Non probability consecutive sampling

Methodology: In this study the patients between 20 to 45 years of age of both genders with typhoid Ileal perforation within 24 hours undergoing primary repair for typhoid ileal perforation were included. They underwent primary repair and were looked for anastomosis leak which was labeled when luminal contents were seen out of a surgical repair site during first week of surgery diagnosed clinically and confirmed on ultrasound by presence of collection of luminal contents (>100 ml) in the pelvic cavity.

Results:  In this study there were total 96 cases. Out of these 50 (52.08%) were males and 46 (47.92%) females. The mean age of the participants was 31.06±6.63 years and mean duration of disease was 14.34±5.51 hours. Anastomosis leak was observed in 5 (5.21%) out of 96 cases. This leakage was seen in 3 (6%) out of 50 males and 2 (4.35%) out of 46 females with p = 1.0. Anastomosis leak was observed in 3 (6.25%) out of 48 cases in age group 20-32 years and in 2 (4.17%) out of 48 in ae group 3345 years with p= 1.0. Leak was more commonly seen in cases with duration of disease 12-24 hours affecting 4 (8.16%) out of 49 as compared to 1 (2.13%) out 47 cases with duration 1-12 hours with p= 0.36.

Conclusion: Post primary repair anastomosis leak is not rare and is more commonly seen in cases with duration of disease 12-24 hours; though this difference is not statistically significant.

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