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Axillary Dissection, Breast Cancer, Radical Mastectomy, Risk Factor, Seroma Formation
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of seroma formation in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy.
BACKGROUND: Despite progress towards breast-conserving methods of treating the disease, up to 70% of women with breast cancer have a mastectomy as their first surgical treatment. Mastectomy carries a low risk of serious consequences. Seromas are often painless, however they can hurt and have been connected to lymphedema, wound infection, and issues with wound healing. The onset of adjuvant therapy may also be postponed by their occurrence.
STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study
PLACE AND DURATION: Department of Surgery Chandka Medical College Larkana, from January 2010 to June 2023.
METHODOLOGY: Data was collected from patients undergoing MRM with neo adjuvant therapy. Female Patients between 15 years age up to 65 years, with stage I, II and Ill of breast cancer admitted in surgical ward and undergone modified radical mastectomy were made part of the study. Presence of seroma was checked on 5th postoperative day. All the collected data were entered into SPSS version 25. We used mean and SD for quantitative variables and presented the qualitative data in percentage.
RESULTS: This study observed that the mean ± SD of age was 43.6±8.9 years. Out of 181 patients, 149 (82.3%) were married while 32 (17.7%) were unmarried. Seroma formation was found in 28 (15.5%) patients. It was observed that seroma formation was more prevalent among patients from urban areas, married, and house wives
CONCLUSION: It is to be concluded that seroma formation was less likely prevalent in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy, residual confounders could play a role.
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