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Dental behavior, Caries, DMFT index, Dietary habits.
Background: There are a few researches in Pakistan, particularly among children population, about dental health issues. The Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) scale was used in this research as a measure of dental health. Additionally, among Pakistani children with high DMFT indexes, this score was utilized to determine the relationship between eating behaviors, dietary practices, and oral hygiene status.
Objective: The purpose of the current study was to examine nutritional practices relating to oral hygiene in connection to the DMFT score among children (2–12 years old) attending Peshawar dental hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Methods: A total of 376 patients, ages 2 to 12 years, participated in this cross-sectional research, including 134 boys and 242 girls. With each participant, a face-to-face interview was scheduled in order to gather data employing a survey. Parents of age 2-4 years children completed questionnaire and from age 5 years and above children questions were asked directly. The participants responded to a survey that asked them about their food, dental health-related activities, dentist appointment regularity, gender, and sex. The greatest predictors of aging, sex, plaque, snacking, brushing and the consumption of supplementary oral hygiene agents on the DMFT score were determined using multiple linear regression modeling (MLRM), Chi-square test.
Results: Nearly two third (70%) of the individuals had routine breakfast, lunch, and supper, as per the data analysis of diet. Among the 290 patients, who made up 77.12%, snacking was prevalent. Although not at a greater incidence, the majority of respondents (45.74%) routinely cleaned their teeth twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste, and almost half (43.35%) utilized other dental care products in addition to brushing. The sample's overall mean for the DMFT scale was determined to be 6. The number of patients (43.35%) had considerable plaque buildup that was visible with the naked eyes.
Conclusion: To achieve optimal plaque control, dental health awareness for children should focus on the frequency of major meals, the reduction of snacking, and the inclusion of advice for good oral health-related activities.
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