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Kate Arnold
Megan Burke
Ashley Decker
Emily Herzberg
Michael Maher
Kevin Motz
Hari Nandu
Luke O’Donnel
Altaf Pirmohamed
Michael Ybarra


Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), screening, brief alcohol interventions



Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the leading cause of preventable intellectual disabilities in the United States and a significant public health issue.



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and screening practices of pre-clinical medical students and clinical providers on FAS, FASD, and alcohol consumption.



A short survey sent to medical students and residents on the campus of a large medical school and university hospital.



On the survey of clinical providers, 38% of respondents stated they always survey pregnant women about their alcohol consumption, 34% stated they always screen patients planning to get pregnant, and 9% screen women of childbearing age. There were a significant percentage of providers who never screen women. When questioned regarding safe amounts of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, 69% of preclinical medical students and 67% of clinical providers stated there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption. Clinical providers were much more likely to correctly select the facial features necessary for the diagnosis (p-value < 0.01).



Significant differences exist in the knowledge and screening practices of these different healthcare providers and trainees. Future interventions should seek to improve knowledge on FAS, FASD, and alcohol consumption, in order for practitioners to be more consistent with national guidelines and the Surgeon General recommendations.

Abstract 350 | PDF Downloads 176


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