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Warda Rana
Muhammad Usman
Madeeha Arshad
Naila Amjad
Faiza zubair
Naila Riaz
Muhammad Waqar ul Hassan
Muhammad Asad
Waheed Alam
Mahjabeen Zohra
Shaheer Raza Khan


Fipronil, Growth, Haematology, Oxidative stress, Chicken


Fipronil (FIP), which is used globally to control pests and also as veterinary drug is a broad-spectrum phenylpyrazole. The excessive and uncontrolled use of FIP causes poisoning of soil and water that could have toxic impacts on targeted and non-targeted organisms as well. Soregarding to this, our current study was designed, mainly to examine the toxic impacts of different concentrations of FIP in chicken. Fipronil preparation was prepared by mixing it with corn oil and given orally to different groups as follows: A (control), B (0.25 mg/ml/kg), C (0.5 mg/ml/kg), andD (0.75 mg/ml/kg)for 30 days. Signs of toxicity like anemic comb, tremors, gasping and watery droppings were observed in birds, exposed to higher levels. The feed intake, body weight, absolute and the relative weight of different organs were significantly decreased in birds, exposed to higher concentrations. Growth analysis of birds exposed to higher levels of FIP showed decreased weight as compared to the control group.The Oxidative stress analysis resulted in an increase of LPO in both kidneys and liver while catalase was decreased in kidneys and liver. Moreover, significant (p_.05) decrease in hematological parameters such as Red blood cells counts an hemoglobin concentrations, while increase in total leukocyte counts and platelets were recorded in birds, however other hematological parameters as HCT,MCH,MCHC and MCV remained almost same. Furthermore, significant increase in concentrations of serum urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase,an aspartate aminotransferasewere alsorecorded in birds. The inferences we have made from our study clearly indicated that Fipronil has lethal and toxic impacts on various tissues of birds from high to even low doses

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