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Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease, awareness
Background: All around the world, the major cause of mortality and morbidity is said to be chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are serious conditions that are persistent for a minimum of one year and need constant medical attention. Certain measures can be taken to prevent these diseases. Those measures include avoiding risk factors, lifestyle modifications, or getting regular baseline tests. If we talk about chronic liver disease (CLD) and its etiological factors, the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) belongs to the family of Hepadnaviridae, which leads to chronic or acute infection. In Pakistan, the rate of infection with Hepatitis C virus is 4.8%, which is the second highest rate of occurrence among developing countries.
Objective: This research was conducted to examine the degree of knowledge people have related to chronic kidney disease and chronic hepatitis in Pakistan.
Study design: A cross-sectional study
Place and Duration: This study was conducted in Suleman Roshan Medical College Hospital Tando Adam from May 2022 to May 2023
Methodology: All of the patients included in this research were aged from 17 to 60 years old. A total of 300 people of all ages filled out the questionnaire, out of which the sample size was calculated to be 280 participants who matched the inclusion criteria. The mean and standard deviation were used for certain variables, such as age. Frequency and percentages were used for other variables, like categorical variables.
Results: There were a total of 280 participants who were selected for this research. All of the participants’ levels of knowledge related to chronic hepatitis and chronic kidney disease were checked. The average age reported was 33 years. There were a total of 103 males and 177 females. Participants were examined regarding their knowledge of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Only 36 people were aware of this disease, while the others were unaware. Moreover, only 42 people knew that CKD leads to decreased filtration capacity, while the majority had no knowledge about it. The participants were also asked about their knowledge regarding hepatitis B and C. Only 92 people were aware of hepatitis B and C, while all the others were unaware.
Conclusion: The survey found an unacceptably low level of awareness, ranging from 80% to 90%, about crucial aspects of two highly prevalent health diseases.
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