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David Dong Qi Zhang
Mark J. Eisenberg
Sonia M. Grandi
Lawrence Joseph
Jennifer O'Laughlin
Gilles Paradis
Pedro Lozano
Kristian B. Filion


Smoking cessation, myocardial infarction, bupropion, health - related quality of life



The use of bupropion, a smoking cessation aid, has been associated with improved health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in the general population of smokers; but, its effect on HRQOL in post-myocardial infarction (MI) patients remains unknown.


To examine the effect of bupropion on HRQOL in post- MI patients who are attempting to quit smoking.


To accomplish this objective, we used data from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 392 hospitalized post - MI patients. Treatment duration was 9 weeks, and follow - up was 12 months. HRQOL was assessed via the EuroQol - 5D (EQ - 5D) questionnaire, which includes 5 dimensions (mobility, self - care, daily activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression). Analyses were restricted to patients (n=225) who completed the EQ - 5D at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months.


Patients randomized to bupropion (n=109) and those randomized to placebo (n=116) experienced similar improvements in HRQOL during follow - up (difference in change in EQ - 5D index from baseline to 6 months = 0.02, 95% confidence interval [CI] = - 0.04, 0.08; from baseline to 12 months = 0.02, 95% CI = - 0.04, 0.08). No between-group differences were observed in any of the 5 dimensions. Similar improvements in HRQOL were observed between patients who remained abstinent and those who relapsed. Lower baseline HRQOL, defined as having a HRQOL that was less than the median value, was associated with decreased smoking abstinence at 12 months follow - up (odds ratio [OR] =0.39, 95% CI = 0.22, 0.68).


Bupropion does not improve HRQOL among patients attempting to quit smoking post - MI.

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