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Valerie K. Temple
Jillian Ives
Ann Lindsay


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, FASD assessment, adult, diagnosis


This paper describes the development and operation of an interdisciplinary Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) diagnostic clinic focussing specifically on adults. The clinic is embedded within a community- based interdisciplinary health agency specializing in intellectual and developmental disabilities . A review of the clinic’s assessment process is presented describing the steps from intake to feedback and intervention. To date, the clinic has received 93 referrals and given 41 alcohol -related diagnoses including 10 completed using videoconferencing technology. Issues unique to adult diagnosis are discussed as well as some of the challenges, including high rates of cancellations/no -shows for appointments, obtaining background and historical information, establishing maternal alcohol history, working collaborativ ely with other support sectors such as children’s protective services and the justice system, and finding appropriate follow -up and intervention services in the community. Recommendations for future work to support adults with FASD and their families are presented.

Abstract 1451 | PDF Downloads 1149


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