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Putriana Rachmawati
Lusy Noviani


natural sweetener, sugar substitution, type 2 diabetes mellitus


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disease when the body did not have insulin in sufficient amounts or lack of sensitivity. This condition impacts an increase in glucose concentration. The treatment is focused on lifestyle changes including a healthy diet. One healthy diet option is to substitute sweeteners sourced from glucose with another sweetener that has a lower impact on blood sugar concentration. Substitution of sugar as a sweetener to claim “healthier” than sucrose can be seen in some parameters such as glycaemic index, structure, and sweetness relative that impact glucose response.  National and international journals were used as a literature review for primary data sources. Diabetes mellitus type 2 and natural sweeteners are inclusion criteria to be reviewed. High sweetness ratio and low glycaemic index help to reduce amounts of sugar added into a diet that impacts low glucose response. The complexity of the sugar impacting speed and percent absorption directly impacts blood sugar concentration. But some sugar substitutes should be considered for adverse impacts like cholesterol, gastrointestinal problem, and flora normal growth.  The selection of sugar substitutes can be based on the glycaemic index, sweetness ratio, and sugar structure. Some substitute sweeteners have potentially adverse effects that should be considered. Replacement of the sugar doesn’t mean patients are free from monitoring of sugar blood concentration and other treatments. But it can be the option to replace sugar as a sweetener in diets that are consumed by the patient.

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