Literature review: Determination and role of pharmacy personnel in providing information of beyond use date

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Lusy Noviani
Putriana Rachmawati


Beyond Use Date, in-use stability, quality control, expired date, efficacy


One of the pharmaceutical jobs that are closely related to the quality control of pharmaceutical preparations is ensuring drug stability. Drug stability must be guaranteed not only in pharmaceutical manufacturers but also continue until the product is handed over to patients/consumers or health workers. In daily practice, it is common for errors to occur regarding the limit of use of drugs after the packaging is opened or beyond the use date and expiration date. Many people in the general public assume that drugs that have been opened and used have the same use limit as the expiration date. Products that have been repackaged or whose original packaging has been opened due to repeated use may have a risk that the preparation lacks the potency, efficacy, and safety of the product in its original sealed packaging. Many factors affect drug stability and quality, including temperature, solvents, storage techniques, and other factors. Various studies have also examined how information and education provided by health workers are related to drug stability. To what extent does the research impact changes in community behavior, and what needs to be developed so that an understanding of drug stability can be successfully implemented in the community. This literature review is expected to provide an overview and input related to the use of drugs to ensure the quality of pharmaceutical preparations.

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