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Violette Gijsen
Netta Fulga
Facundo Garcia- Bournissen
Gideon Koren




A recent study published from the University College London suggests that children of women who were light  drinkers  during  pregnancy  demonstrate  better  cognitive  outcome  at  three  years  of  age  when compared to children of abstinent women based on data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Unfortunately,  methodological  pitfalls  and  limited  external  validity  of  the  results  presented  make conclusions  very  tenuous.  This  paper  was  widely  quoted  by  the  media,  sometimes  concluding  that drinking is beneficial. At the present state of knowledge, the poor quality of this study may cause more damage than benefit, as demonstrated by the media response.

Abstract 568 | PDF Downloads 117


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