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Emmanuelle Lévy
Catherine Agbokou
Florian Ferreri
Guy Chouinard
Howard C Margolese


Antipsychotics, schizophrenia, topiramate, weight gain, obesity



Atypical antipsychotics have been associated with weight gain. This study examines the efficacy of adjunctive topiramate in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder with antipsychotic- induced weight gain.


A 2-year retrospective case analysis was performed in all 300 patients of the outpatient Special Follow-up Clinic for chronic schizophrenia and related psychoses at the Allan Memorial Institute, McGill University Health Centre (Montreal, Canada), a tertiary care University teaching hospital.


10 patients met study inclusion criteria. Mean daily topiramate dose was 197.5mg (±77) (range, 125-400mg). Topiramate produced continued weight loss throughout the study duration without tolerance. Patients treated for 6 months and more had significantly higher Body Mass Index (BMI) differences than those  treated  for  shorter  durations  (BMI-d6   months =-4.7±2.4;  BMI-d2   months=-3.2±2.3;  P=0.015).  BMI changes were similar across genders.


This study supports topiramate use to target weight loss in stable overweight schizophrenic patients as a potential therapy that requires further investigation.

Abstract 458 | PDF Downloads 714


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