Evaluation of Dental health of the adult population of Kazakhstan and solutions to improve removable prosthetics

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Ruzuddinov S. R
Shayakhmetova M. K
Ruzuddinov T. B.


Dental health, Dental care, Kazakhstan, Orthopaedic care, Removable prosthetics


Screening studies of the dental morbidity of elderly people of the urban and rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan were conducted. Three age groups were investigated in the districts of Almaty and Almaty oblast: middle-aged (45-59 years old), the elderly (60-79 years old) and the eldest (80 years old and over). A high loss of teeth was revealed, which is 79.3% of the urban and 90.6% of the rural population of the RK respectively. Complete absence of teeth on the upper jaw is most common in rural and city dwellers in the oldest and elderly age groups. A high frequency of complete absence of teeth was revealed in elderly rural residents (44.9%). The production of removable prostheses with a double layer base improves the quality thereof. Indications for these prostheses have been determined. In conclusion, the need for orthopaedic dental care is the highest in rural areas. Complete absence of teeth on the upper jaw is most common in the older and elderly age groups among rural and urban dwellers. A high frequency of complete absence of teeth was revealed among elderly rural residents (44.9%). Orthopaedic treatment of persons with complete absence of teeth requires improvement of this assistance. The use of removable prostheses with a two-layer base improves the quality of manufactured prostheses, providing comfort and functional efficiency for patients. Indications for the manufacture of soft-lined prostheses have been determined and clarified.

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