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Dr. Manoj Singh Patel
Dr. Ranweer Singh Mandloi
Dr. Gurambir Singh Randhawa




Background- Shoulder joint is an elegant anatomic structure. Its range of motion exceeds all other joints, yet under most circumstances it is stable. MRI and Ultrasonography have replaced the arthrography for evaluating the integrity of rotator cuff.

Aims- USG and MRI evaluation of rotator cuff pathology- single center analysis.

Materials and methods- this is a prospective study done in Department of Radio- diagnosis, Peoples college of medical sciences and research centre, Bhopal from January 2023 to January 2024 in 50 patients, in those patients who had been referred for USG, clinically suspicious of rotator cuff pathology selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and additional MRI of the shoulder joint was done following that. Findings of both MRI and USG were compared and evaluated.

Results- The commonest pathology in rotator cuff tendons was tendinosis (68%), followed by partial tear (64%); and full thickness tears (12%). The most common rotator cuff tendon involved was the supraspinatus tendon (86%), followed by subscapularis (46%) and infraspinatus (14%). USG had almost 100% specificity & sensitivity in diagnosing complete tendon tears. 43 patients (86%) had joint effusion. Peri-biceps tendon fluid was seen in 17 patients (34%), which was more common than subacromial-subdeltoid bursal effusion seen in 15patients (30%).

20 patients (40%) had Acromio-clavicular joint degenerative changes. USG had excellent specificity (88 to 100%), PPV (84 to 100%), better NPV (87 to 96%) and fair sensitivity (75 to 95%) as compared MRI for diagnosing rotator cuff pathologies.

Conclusion- USG and MRI are complementary imaging modalities for evaluation of abnormalities of the shoulder joint. The primary role of USG is evaluation of rotator cuff pathologies. However, MRI provides comprehensive evaluation of the shoulder joint.

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