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Dr. Shefalika Singh
Dr. Ravinder Kochhar
Dr. Rakhi
Dr. Vir Abhimanyu Singh
Dr. Dharmendra Das


Homoeopathy, impact, tonsillitis, pediatric age group


Background:  Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract contribute to over 20% of the morbidity of the population, with the highest incidence in children. Among upper respiratory infections, Tonsillitis is one of the commonest problem in the children that are seen in the daily practice. The role of homoeopathy is very vital in treating such cases. In this article I am sharing 5 cases successfully treated with individualized homoeopathic medicine.
Methods: A detailed case series analysis of 5 cases was conducted on children suffering with chronic tonsillitis from 1-12 years age group. Each case underwent thorough case taking following pediatric case taking Performa in OPD. And after proper analysis and evaluation of symptoms and repertorization an individualized homoeopathic medicine was prescribed in each case using centisimal scale.
Results: all the 5 patients showed marked improvement after giving homoeopathic medicine. No patients reported any adverse effects
Conclusion: This article confirms the potential benefits of homeopathic interventions in tonsillitis of pediatric age group. 

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