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Dr. Moses J
Dr. Soumya Sv




Aim: This study aimed to identify essential peri-transplant dental treatments and retrospectively assess their implementation in organ transplant patients. Additionally, it sought to provide valuable insights for dentists evaluating and managing the dental care of renal transplant recipients. 
Materials and Methods: The medical records of the Department of Dentistry at Christian Medical College & Hospital were evaluated to identify kidney transplant recipients who attended clinics from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2021. A total of 158 patients were identified, and their medical charts were reviewed. The following data were tabulated: underlying systemic disease, oral hygiene status, necessary dental treatments, dental treatments actually performed pre- and post-transplantation and follow-up of renal transplant recipients. 
Results: Around (150/158; 94.9%) of the kidney transplant recipients had poor oral hygiene. In kidney recipients, the rates of scaling, operative treatment, tooth extraction and root canal treatment actually performed pre-transplant, when deemed to be required, were 98.00 %, 96.25 %, 98.04 % and 100.00 % respectively. The overall performance rate for all the procedures was low in post-transplant compared with pre-transplant. The actual completion rates of necessary procedures after transplant were 70% for scaling, 42.86% for operative procedures, none of the patient’s required root canal treatment, 66.67% for tooth extraction,  and 40% for prosthetic treatment. 
Conclusion: It is recommended that patients scheduled for organ transplants should be referred to a dental clinic as early as possible. This allows for the identification and removal of any potential sources of oral infection. Post-transplant, patients should be reminded of the necessity for regular dental check-ups and ongoing dental care to improve their prognosis.

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