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Dr. Diganta Bora
Dr. Gautam Kamal
Dr. Pranjit Deka
Dr. AnindyaBaruah
Dr. Chinmoyee Deori


Appendicitis, Appendectomy, Appendicectomy, Prevalence


Background : One of the most common cause of pain abdomen found in Emergency room, Out patients and In patients department is Acute appendicitis. And Appendectomy is most commonly performed surgical procedures for Acute appendicitis. In our study we tried to find out the burden of Appendectomy patients in Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital, a peripheral tertiary Medical college in Assam.

Aim: Our aim is to find out the prevalence of appendectomy among patients admitted in department of general surgery, Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital, North Lakhimpur.

Methods : After obtaining approval from institutional ethical committee, data was collected from medical records department of Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital, North Lakhimpur.  Data was collected for a period of 30 months, i;e  from 25thJune 2021 to 25th Dec 2023. The total number of patients admitted in the department of surgery was taken, which was found to be6713. Our study included 1020  patients who underwent appendectomy. The  demographic profile of the patients were collected in respect to age and sex.

Results : The Prevalence of Appendectomy Patients was found to be 15.19 %, of which 57.3 % were males and 42.7% were females. The most common indication for appendectomy was recurrent appendicitis with 71.3%.

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