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Ayesha Soomro
Marvi Panhwar
Syeda Kainat Zaharah


Career Counseling, Career Goal Clarity, Career Maturity, General Self-Efficacy


The study aimed to evaluate the relationship of career goal clarity in predicting career maturity among postgraduate students at public universities in Islamabad. In addition, it investigated the moderating effect of general self-efficacy in the causal relationship between career goal clarity and career maturity among these students. The study sample comprised 286 postgraduate students from social and natural sciences departments at two public universities in Islamabad. The Academic and Career Goal Clarity Scale was used as a tool to assess career goal clarity, while the Career Maturity Inventory-Revised and the General Self-Efficacy Scale were used to measure career maturity and general self-efficacy, respectively. The hypotheses were tested through t-tests, Pearson's r, bivariate linear regression, and moderation analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS-XVIII). It was indicated that postgraduate students had similar average scores in career goal clarity and career maturity. A similar pattern was noted across different genders. The finding observed a moderate level of association between career maturity and clarity of career goals. The findings indicated that clarity in career goals is a significant predictor of career maturity, and general self-efficacy served as a catalyst in this relationship.

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