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Spiritual Groups, Resilience, Positive Life Orientation
Present study was conducted on 60 bank employees, between the age of 28 years to 40 years, out of which 30 were those who follow any spiritual group (Art of living, Brahmakumaris, Shiv Yog etc.) and rest who don’t follow any such group. Data of non-follower employee group has been collected from various offices after a short interview with the subjects, while data of followers has been collected from various satsang and meditation centers. Their resilience and positive life orientation were compared. Nicholson McBride Resilience Questionnaire has been used to measure resilience. To measure positive life orientation, Scale of Positive Life Orientation has been used, which is developed by Dr. Manju Agarwal and Ajit K. Dalal. t-test has been used to calculate the significance of difference between the groups for both the variables. Findings suggest that there is significantly more resilience and PLO in followers than in non-followers of spiritual community or religious group. This highlights the importance of community and group support that seems to be essential in spiritual or religious coping during adversity.
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