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Dr. K. Srinivas Babu
Dr. Bhavya Shikha


Skimmed milk, sarcode, polycystic ovary, androgens, social stigma


Potentized remedy derived from skimmed cow’s milk named Lac Vaccinum Defloratum is one of the sarcode derivative found to have miraculous powers. It is a sarcode and is derived from healthy secretions of cow. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a complex disorder of females in the reproductive age group and a leading cause of infertility. The homeopathic treatment in cases of PCOS or related symptoms are as per totality of symptoms because homeopathy treats the patient as a whole (9). In recent times, the study of Lac remedies in homeopathy has gained significant importance. This article shows the efficacy of a rare remedy Lac defloratum in treating menstrual irregularities.

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