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Diabetes type II, Medication adherence, glycemic control, patient compliance
Diabetes is a chronic, non-communicable disease that mostly affects adults as Type 2 diabetes. It is caused by inadequate insulin usage, which raises blood glucose levels. With rising urbanization in developing nations, the prevalence has risen to 537 million worldwide and is expected to reach 783 million by 2045. Because Type 2 diabetes is more prone to cause microvascular and macrovascular complications, it is imperative to manage concomitant diseases and maintain rigorous glycemic control. In order to reduce morbidity and death, strict adherence to regimens that include medication, dietary changes, and glucose monitoring is essential.
For diabetic patients, family support plays a critical role in determining medication compliance and glycemic control. Care services and emotional well-being are impacted by patients' perceptions of family support. It is unknown how social support affects glycemic control. Globally, Pakistan has the highest rate of diabetes (30.8% in 2023).
1.2. Aims
Using the Morisky medication adherence scale (MMAS-8), a study conducted in Gujrat, Pakistan, aimed to evaluate medication adherence and its relationship to family support among diabetic patients.
1.3. Objective
To Unveil the relationship between family support, medication adherence and glycemic control in diabetes type II patients of district Gujrat.
1.4. Methodology
Survey was questionnaire based. Questions were related to patient’s demographics, diabetic history and medication adherence using MMAS-8 scale. A total of 330 patients, who were above 18, were included in the study. Data was analyzed to investigate the connection between glycemic control and medication adherence.
1.5. Result
330 patients in total had been included in the survey. The survey revealed a relatively high prevalence of medication non-adherence, which led to poor glycemic control. Patients who were > 49 and had complex treatment regimens were more likely to be non-adherencers. The most common reasons given by patients for their nonadherence were forgetfulness (54.58%), carelessness (47.42%), and treatment regimen complexity (52.92%).
1.6. Conclusion
Medication adherence was less owing to the complexity of medication adherence and forgetfulness. Medication non-adherence resulted in poor glycemic control.
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