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Sucrose, longevity, vase solutions, AgNO3
The present studies was done on wild flowers of Tephrosia pupurea study the shelf life of cut flowers. These wild flowers of T. purpurea have beautiful and attractive inflorescence and can be used as an alternative for costly cut flowers. The treatment of cut flowers with vase solution having different concentration of chemicals like sucrose, AgNO3, ethephon having different concentrations were studied for different parameters like flowers abscission, bud opening and longevity of flowers. It was observed that flower opening was considerably higher in 4 % sucrose solution bud opening was recorded as 76% and flower abscission was 18.7%.. the highest longevity was recorded in higher concentration of sucrose in vase solution. In silver nitrate treatment bud opening was observed to be highest (48%) in 600 ppm solution and lowest (26%) in 800 ppm solution as compared to control (13%). Longevity of flowers was high (4.5 days) in vase solution with 300 ppm.. Early loss of flowers from twigs was reported in ethephon as compared to other vase solutions taken in present study. Different concentration of pulse treatment was given to the cut flower twigs to study similar parameters. The pulse treatment with ethephon to cut flowers resulted in loss of flowers very early. The present studies attributes the use of sucrose and AgNO3 can be good source for vase life of cut flowers of T. purpurea as compared to other chemicals for vase solution.
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