Prediction of Autism Antenatally via Fetal Ultrasound and Postnatally via MRI Studies

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Dr Gulshad wagan,Dr Pirya,Dr Sameena Rasheed,Dr uzma Ilyas, Dr Anas Raza, Dr Rabia


ASD, prenatal screening, fetal ultrasound, postnatal MRI, early diagnosis, neurodevelopment in children, brain imaging, biomarkers for risk prediction


Background: ASD is a developmental disability which is characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, and which impacts behaviours in individuals with the condition, with worldwide incidence rate rising. Very little seems to be known about techniques  for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays: IDEA requires early identification for a program to be included under the act, yet current diagnostic tools seem to rely primarily on behaviourally based instruments that are generally implemented after the child is two years of age. This has created new openings in the ability to detect biomarkers for ASD at an early stage before showing the behavioural signs.

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