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Dr Farzand Iqbal
Dr Naveed Alam
Dr Shahida Naveed
Dr Muhammad Ali Anjum
Dr Aftab Alam Tanoli
Dr Noreen Farid


Fingerprint, pattern, medical students, blood groups, gender


Objective: To determine association of fingerprint patterns with gender and blood groups among medical students of Peshawar Medical College.

Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 252 students of Peshawar Medical College Peshawar. A pre-designed questionnaire was used interview-based to collect the data. SPSS v.25 was used as a statistical analysis tool.

Results: In our study males were more than females with 147(58.33%), and 105(41.67%) respectively. The majority of fingerprints patterns were loop (54.68%), followed by whorl (33.66%) and least common were arch (5.55%). The right hand fingers R1, R4 and R5 (thumb, ring and little fingers) and left hand fingers L1 and L2 (thumb and ring fingers) had significant association with blood groups with p value less than 0.05, but gender did not have significant association with fingerprint patterns on both hands except right and left thumb(R1+L1).

Conclusion: The study's outcomes suggest that the loop fingerprint is the most prevalent type among medical students, followed by the whorl fingerprint. In terms of fingerprint relationship statistics, blood types were found to be significant for the first, fourth, and fifth right fingers, as well as the first and second left fingers while gender was found significant for first right and left fingers.

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