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Rabia Murtaza
Asif Ali Jauhar
Mehak Nazir
Muhammad Qasim
Komal Ijaz
Norina khaliq


Mind-body synergy, Chronic illness management, Psychological insights, Mental health in chronic disease, Psychosomatic medicine


The phenomenon of mind-body synergy, which offers a comprehensive strategy that combines psychological and medical care, has attracted a lot of interest in the management of chronic illnesses. The analysis delves into the significant influence of psychological therapies on the outcomes of chronic illnesses, highlighting the mutual relationship between mental and physical health. Emotional difficulties like stress, worry, and depression are frequently present in people with chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disorders. These difficulties can accelerate the course of the disease and make recovery more difficult. Psychological insights have the potential to improve patients' resilience, quality of life, and health outcomes. This is especially true when applied to practices like stress management, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

This investigation explores evidence-based tactics that use the mind-body link to better treat patients, lessen the total cost of healthcare, and increase adherence to prescribed medications. To advance patient-centered care, mental and physical health must work together, underscoring the need for multidisciplinary methods that coordinate psychological and medical therapies in the management of chronic illnesses.

The paper delves into the future directions of research, clinical applications, and policy changes. It emphasizes the significance of psychological insights in forming more complete and successful models of chronic care.

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